When we were thinking about the kinds of people we wanted to talk to for this Moments of Growth series, we knew we needed to include people who have been impacted in some way by the work we do at Growing Small Towns.
Some of these guests use Growing Small Towns in an official capacity—they have a formal role in economic or community development, or something similar, and have utilized our programming professionally. Others are members of our local school board, have engaged with us on a personal level, or for a small business. However their involvement, though, we treasure these thoughts and words from the people we serve, and we hope you’ll enjoy this episode!
In this episode, we hear from:
Anna Sell - Superintendent of Oakes Public School
Sonia Meehl - former Oakes Public School board member
Matt Marshall - Member Services, Rates & Economic Development Manager at Minnkota
Ashley Berg - owner of Main Street Boutique in Rugby, ND
Bob Wurl - board member for Southern Valley Economic Development Association
Justin Meidinger - Director, Ellendale Opera House
Dawn Mandt - Executive Director of Red River Regional Council
Justin Neppl - former Economic Development Director for Southern Valley Economic Development Association
Roberta Forward - board member for North Dakota Grapegrower's Association, Riding for Dreams, and Oakes PTO Chapter
Jeremy Nelson - founder, Arthur Market
Melissa Beach - Economic Development Administrator, Minnkota
Links and Resources Mentioned:
Rural Ideas Network: https://www.ruralideas.net/
Dakota Resources: https://dakotaresources.org/
North Dakota Women’s Business Center: https://ndwbc.com/
Realizing Rural: https://www.realizingrural.com/
Episode 69 with Jordan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFpYytI5MlU
Episode 123 with Realizing Rural: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rs73PTv-kU
Episode 143 with Mike: https://www.growingsmalltowns.org/post/episode143
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