We all want our small towns to grow and thrive, but often, we don’t offer enough support to the people who are integral in making this happen: the entrepreneurs. Kim Nagle is an author, coach, speaker, and entrepreneur who helps her clients start profitable businesses, and she’s here to share with us what supporting entrepreneurs could look like in our small towns. Hint: it’s magic.
About Kim:
Known as The DAMN Plan lady, Kim is definitely a woman with a plan. Her life’s work is
evidence of her deep-seated love for all things entrepreneurial. She started her first business at 14 and has owned 6 businesses since. As a result of working with Kim, well over 250 clients have started profitable businesses they love.
Kim has been a passionate advocate for entrepreneurs since the late 1900’s. As the founder of
the SBA-funded Minnesota Women’s Business Center she elevated women-owned businesses
as powerhouse economic drivers in communities.
Kim is the author of The DAMN Plan® How To Find Freedom, Love, And Money In Your
Business and soon-to-be-released Determined to Succeed. In her books, she presents lessons
learned and core principles for success learned over 30 years of being in the trenches every day- doing the damn thing.
If you get a chance to work with Kim, she will show you how to magnify your determination,
make decisions accordingly and take action like your life depended on it. Because it does. Life
on your terms is waiting. It's just one determined-decision away.
In this episode, we cover:
The #1 reason people don’t start businesses in small towns
Why do businesses “fail,” and what is failure, anyhow?
The power of “How can I help?”
Why embracing the process is worth it
The messages we give to our children
Links + Resources Mentioned:
More about The DAMN Plan Book: https://www.damnplan.com/the-damn-book
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/thedamnplan
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thedamnplan
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thedamnplan
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/KimNagle
Free 30-minute Coaching Call with Kim: calendly.com/kimnagle/30mincall
Order The DAMN Plan®: www.amazon.com/dp/1952233518
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