Rebecca is flying solo today with a podcast version of a recent blog post that took on a life of its own, and talking about how to keep your fire lit while you’re trying to do big things in your small town—the stages you’ll go through, the people you need, and how to prevent burnout (or getting snuffed out!) along the way.
In this episode, we cover:
Why burnout is a symptom but not a diagnosis, and why burnout may not actually be burnout, but more of a “snuffing out.”
What it looks like to be a firestarter
The stages of an idea, how certain stages are more vulnerable to that snuffing out
The different kinds of people that are key during each stage
Links Mentioned:
How to Keep Your Fire Lit blog post: https://rebeccaundem.com/blog/how-to-keep-your-fire-lit
Get In Touch:
Have an idea for a future episode/guest, have feedback or a question, or just want to chat? Email us at hello@growingsmalltowns.org
A Note to Our Listeners:
We are taking a break until mid-September because we are working on some big things behind the scenes that we can't wait to share with you. Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook or Instagram to get the latest news!
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